Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled presentation time.
  • Bring your visual presentation on a USB flash drive and be prepared to upload it ahead of time. Do NOT count on retrieving it from the Internet.
  • Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A after each presentation.
  • Timing is critical to evaluation. Moderators will notify presenters when there are 5 minutes remaining and when time is up.
  • If you plan on using videos, you need to download them on a USB port data stick, as you cannot count on getting on-line. Caution: the use of video footage, including the opening and closing of the link, can take up several minutes of your presentation; make sure you plan for that time in your presentation, and rehearse what you will need to do.
  • Keep visuals clear and simple.
  • Contrasting colors work best.